SRS WOW HDをインストールしてみたが、スピーカーからでる音には確かにエフェクトがかかっているものの、Bluetooth経由ではエフェクトがかかっていない。


If your Phone doesnt work with SRS WOW via Blue Tooth Headset, you need to edit some Regkeys!

Here is a Copy about a Thread with the right issue:

That worked through BT headset it is necessary to copy all parameters from [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\Wave Dev] in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\BtA2dpSnd
Except for value of parameter "OldDriver", he should be such, as was "DLL"
For example:
"DLL" = "bta2dp.dll"

"DLL" = "WOWHD_ARM_WCE_PPC2005_Driver.dll"
"OldDriver" = "bta2dp.dll"

To have real stereo with your bluetooth stereo headphone you have to change the following registry key:

Change the UseJointStereo value 1 to 0.

The value 1 means dual mono, value 0 means stereo

Next point are the Blue Tooth Settings for Blue Tooth Audio Compressions, but i doesnt know in the moment all settings :-> 

With it you can change the Frequency from 44,1khz to 48khz, the compression rate and the stereo Mode. Joint Stereo is only a Mono Channel with additional Stereo Infos. This save bandwith!!! The most ppls think, the quality is higher ... but it isnt!! Dual Mono are better, if you make the bandwith for blue tooth higher.

if you need more infos about joint stereo, search via google for "wiki joint stereo"

Infos about Joint Stereo (


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